2016年10月24日 星期一

Malala Yousafzai recounts moment she was shot in the head by Taliban

By Ben Bryant
10:24 am BST 13 Oct 2013

Malala Yousafzai has recounted the moment she was shot in the head and neck in an assassination attempt by Taliban gunmen.
Yousafzai, who was nominated for this year's Nobel Peace Prize, said that she could not remember the exact moment she was shot but that her friends and classmates had helped her piece together what had happened.
She told The Andrew Marr Show: "Our streets and our roads, on the roadside there are a lot of men all around, just a few women in burkas covering their faces.
"But on that day there was no one except two or three men. The two or three men were the Taliban.
"Those two boys stopped the van and told the driver that we want to see our sister at the back. One was talking to the driver and one came at the back.
"The one who came at the back, he was young, he was not old. He had a gun here [gestures to hip]
"He was that much near to me as you are. Then He said, 'Who is Malala?' All the girls were terrified. Some of the girls think he might be a journalist. They were not expecting, because we never thought it would happen
"When he said who is Malala all the girls looked at me because you don't know what is happening.
"My friend told me, 'You just squeezed my hand, you just forced my hand.'"
"Then she said he shot you. He fired three bullets.
Yousafzai described her hometown in the Swat valley in Pakistan as a "paradise" until the Taliban arrived
She said: "The Talibanisation started in 2004 and then it was developing day by day.
"It started just by talking about Islam and its teaching.
"But then later on when we used to have the summons they were saying that the girls should not go to school. They were against the going of the girls to market. They were against the women's rights
"They were killing people for just tiny issues."
She added: "I spoke for education and it means that I'm speaking against the Taliban because speaking for education means you are speaking against the Taliban because they are against education.
"My father says that education is neither eastern nor western. Education is for everyone. The people of Pakistan have supported me."
Yousafzai added that she felt Pakistan has been broadly supportive of her crusade for women's education.
She said: "On the day when I was shot, and on the next day, people raised the banners of I am Malala. They did not say I am the Taliban. They support me and they are encouraging me to move forward and continue my campaign for girls' education."
She also said that the Taliban had sullied Islam by linking it to terrorism.
She said: "The name of Islam and the name of Taliban [ ...] has been misused and abused by the Taliban. It does not mean that all Pakistani and all Muslims are the terrorists. Only the small group of people is terrorists."


Structure of the Lead:
WHO-Malala Yousafzai
WHAT-She recounts the moment when she was shot by Taliban
WHY-She spoke for education and it means that she was speaking against the Taliban
WHERE-not given
HOW-not given

1. recount: 詳述
2. assassination: 暗殺
3. burkas: 布爾卡 (穆斯林女性的衣服)
4. squeeze: 此為緊握,另有擠壓之意
5. summons: 傳票
6. crusade: 聖戰
7. sully: 玷汙
8. misuse: 誤用