2017年1月10日 星期二

Phil Hogan: Brexit means 'new Ireland-UK relationship'

9 January 2017
From the section Northern Ireland

The Republic of Ireland's relationship with the UK will have to change in a post-Brexit Europe, Ireland's EU agriculture commissioner has said.

Phil Hogan said: "Our common interest with the UK in many areas has been a defining characteristic of our EU membership to date."

But this would now be an "enormous mistake" in Brexit negotiations.

Speaking in two national newspapers on Monday, Mr Hogan also said "Brexit is a mess and getting messier".

Writing in The Irish Times, he said: "There is a real risk that Ireland could allow our relationship with Europe to be defined by our relationship with the UK, which would be an enormous mistake in my view.

"Instead, we should have the confidence and direction to recognise that post-Brexit Ireland will need to have in place a wholly different set of relationships with our EU partners."

He also said the country needed to protect its trading ties with the UK and "manage how Brexit impacts on the island as a whole".

'Special case'

In the Irish Independent, he warned that if the UK leaves the EU single market then "a hard border" with Northern Ireland looked inevitable.

He said avoiding such a scenario centred on the EU treating the entire island as a special case and single unit.

The UK voted to leave the EU by 52% to 48% in June's referendum, though Northern Ireland voted to remain by a 56% majority.

Prime Minister Theresa May has said she intends to trigger the official process of leaving by the end of March, meaning the UK will be expected to have left by the summer of 2019, depending on the precise timetable agreed during the Brexit negotiations.


Structure of the Lead:
WHO- Phil Hogan
WHEN- Monday
WHAT- He said something about the Brexit in the newspapers
WHY- not given
WHERE- not given
HOW- not given

1. commissioner- 長官
2. define- 規定;使明確
3. characteristic- 特性;特色;獨特的
4. wholly- 完全地
5. inevitable- 不可避免的
6. scenario- 事態;局面
7. referendum- 公民投票

White Helmets: Inside look at Syria's first responders

By CLARISSA WARD / CBS NEWS / March 16, 2015, 7:20 PM

INSIDE SYRIA -- Syria has incurred a devastating toll from its bloody civil war. Now in its fifth year, more than 215,000 have been killed; nearly 4 million have fled; and the United Nations says the life expectancy has dropped 20 years from 76 to 56. Yet in the face of this unrelenting brutality, heroes have emerged.

When the bombs rain down on Syria, it is the White Helmets who run in to help. These brave volunteers claw and saw their way through the rubble to save those buried beneath. One video shows them pulling a 2-week-old baby alive after it had spent 16 hours trapped under a flattened house.

At a training session in a neighboring country, the volunteers learned how to break through concrete and put out fires.

Ala'a, a 26-year-old from Aleppo, is one of more than 2,000 Syrians who have joined the group. He says he feels very proud to be helping.

"Everyone loves us in Syria," he said. "We deal with all the different groups."

It is dangerous work. The regime has dropped roughly 1,000 bombs on Aleppo in the last year alone -- most of them crudely made barrel bombs packed with explosives and shrapnel. Often planes circle back a short time later to drop a second bomb, targeting rescue workers.

Ala'a told us his friend was killed this way.

"He was just 200 yards ahead of us and then suddenly a second barrel bomb landed on his car," said Ala'a. "I felt desperate. World leaders are watching the Syrian people dying and they do nothing."

But the White Helmets are undeterred. Even in the most hopeless of situations, lives can be saved.


Structure of the Lead:
WHO- White Helmets
WHEN- During the time of Syria civil war
WHAT- They try hard to save those buried beneath
WHY- They feel very proud to be helping
WHERE- in Syria
HOW- They claw and saw their way through the rubble

1. incur- 遭受
2. devastating- 毀滅性的
3. toll- 損失;傷亡;通行費
4. unrelenting- 無情的
5. brutality- 暴虐行為
6. rubble- 瓦礫堆
7. concrete- 具體的;混凝土
8. regime- 政權
9. crudely- 粗糙地
10. barrel- 槍管;炮筒
11. shrapnel- 砲彈碎片;榴散彈
12. desperate- 絕望的
13. undeterred- 不受阻的